Ürünler > Akustik Ürünler > Bölücü Seperatörler > Askılı Seperatörler

Hanging Separators
We live in an age where the importance of privacy cannot be underestimated in order to increase performance in many venues. Our acoustic separators are among the solutions that can provide this privacy in the most effective way in work areas.
Acoustic separators are an acoustic separator solution product in which our hard felt product, other felt products and stabilizers are used as needed.
The hard felt product, brought to the desired formation, is used by hanging it from the ceiling with hanging apparatus or by ensuring that it remains fixed vertically to any section on the ground thanks to the feet.
You won’t believe the ease of providing privacy in spaces thanks to our acoustic separator products with endless options in colors and cuts.
Product Specifications
NRC Rates
Fire Rates
Health Values
6 – 12 – 18 – 20 mm
0,55 NRC ~
Reach / RoHS / Oeko-tex / TSE
99.9% free of harmful substances, antibacterial, anticarcinogenic

Square Model

Semicircle Model

Circle Model

Linear Model

Cross Model

Circle Linear Model
